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6 years ago · · 15,207 comments

Why Debt Consolidation is a Bad Idea (or Worse, a Scam)

There is enormous stigma that goes along with bankruptcy filing. The mere word “bankruptcy” invokes a feeling in many of immorality and failure. People usually dread the thought that bankruptcy may be in their future. Yet phrases like debt consolidation, debt resolution, credit management, debt relief, etc.; these terms invoke a completely dissimilar emotional response. These concepts are marketed as an alternative to bankruptcy: a way out of financial hardship, but not shirking one’s responsibilities. However, all is not what it seems.

6 years ago · · 8,219 comments

5 Financial Mistakes New Grads Make

By: Danielle Patton

Your metamorphosis from a bubbly, naive student to a responsible graduate can be both exciting and overwhelming, as personal finances becomes one of your central primacies. Imperative life lessons overlooked in school need to be understood and applied as rapidly as possible. Take a look at these five pitfalls you want to avoid as you plan your new life.